
High Holy Days 2021 services are all around you

Below are just some examples of the High Holy Day services available in the Bay Area. Check the websites of synagogues near you – or go national – there are so many free online options. Beth Am, Reform, Los Altos Beth El, Reform, Berkeley Beth Emek, Reform, Pleasanton Beth Sholom, Conservative, San Francisco B’nai Emunah,…

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Patrilineal Jews: Can there be Two Truths?

Two just claims can conflict. Two people of good will can be at odds.  Should one side be eliminated in order to have peace? Or can we compromise and live with people with whom we disagree? This question arises frequently when interfaith couples are addressing patrilineal descent – children of a Jewish father and a…

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Preparing for the High Holidays

First, let me address the issue of whether the High Holy Days are “early” this year. For the Gregorian calendar, yes, it is early. Note that the Gregorian calendar was put into effect for the entire Catholic world by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 with a papal bull.  For the Jewish calendar, no, the dates are…

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Preparing for the High Holy Days

Cantor Linda Hirschhorn emailed her congregation, Temple Beth Sholom of San Leandro, about the practice of reciting a Psalm in preparation for the High Holy Days.  She said: Starting this Sunday, August 8th— which is Rosh Hodesh Elul —  until the end of the high holidays, Psalm 27 is recited in the daily morning and evening…

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