Current Programs

Increasing your Happiness

American culture is one of individual RIGHTS. Jewish tradition is one of individual RESPONSIBILITY.  At the time of America’s founding our forefathers were leaving behind governments that oppressed them; rights were central to their thinking. Responsibility was already internalized. In modern times we’ve gone over the edge with personal rights and no longer give much thought to…

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Passover Tips

Just a few days till Passover. Plan ahead so you don’t drive yourself crazy. Passover Tips I’ve come across so many wonderful ideas, resources and activities! I’m just going to make a list of them all. Send a free Passover e-card from the Reform Judaism site. Personalized Passover Place Cards – This woman offers loads of downloadable (not…

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Start Planning for Passover Fun!

Time to plan where you’ll have Seder!  At a community Seder, someone else’s home, or your home? Rarely are community Seders on the FIRST night of Passover. But if you don’t have time or an invitation it’s a lovely, easy way to share the event. Here’s a list of Bay Area Community Seders compiled by…

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What Makes a Home “Jewish”?

A Jew may ask their spouse to agree to have a “Jewish” home. But what does that mean? To a non-Jewish loved one it may mean simply that some of the people in the house say they are Jews. But our partners deserve a more in-depth answer. One Jew may say, a Jewish home has…

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