Getting Started

  1. Sign up for the weekly email that goes out to hundreds of interfaith couples & families in the Bay Area. Topics cover the many questions and mysteries that interfaith couples want answered. Like, how do we decide about our child’s religious identity, does it matter to kids if we do “all” the holidays, how can I explain our choices to my parents, where will we find supportive community? To sign up send an email with your name and city of residence to
  2. Call for a free one-on-one meeting with Dawn. Talk about where you are, what you are hoping for and what confuses or worries the two of you. For a detailed description look here.
  3. Consider participating in a Couples Discussion Group. Yes, it’s a time commitment, but couples rave about the experience.
  4. Ask Dawn for help identifying the right community for YOU here in the Bay Area.
  5. Join the conversation. Take a look at what others have said they would like to discuss here. Then email Dawn ( and share the topics that intrigue you. Or just add a YES! to one of the topics already listed.

Still unsure?
Just sign up for the email list. “Listen” to the topics being discussed and just work on getting comfortable.