
Increasing your Happiness

American culture is one of individual RIGHTS. Jewish tradition is one of individual RESPONSIBILITY.  At the time of America’s founding our forefathers were leaving behind governments that oppressed them; rights were central to their thinking. Responsibility was already internalized. In modern times we’ve gone over the edge with personal rights and no longer give much thought to…

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“Judaism is a communal tradition.”

“Judaism is a communal tradition.” But what does that mean? Living in America which has an individualist tradition it can be difficult to fully understand what “communal” means. You can be WHATEVER you want in the privacy of your own home, but to join with a community requires compromise.  I urge couples and families to find a…

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Shabbat in Person!

Last Friday I spent Shabbat with the folks at Jewish Gateways. A new friend who is a member there invited me. It was a potluck (my favorite!) so I took a loaf of homemade challah fresh from the oven. We met outside in a small private park in Oakland. Rabbi Bridget Wynne, their spiritual leader,…

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Is God Jesus?

For many people Jesus is God, but is the reverse true? Last week I needed to have a document notarized. I took it into my bank where they have a notary on staff. The young woman looked over my paperwork and told me, “For this document you have to swear an oath. I have one…

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