
Learn by watching Jewish Movies

Learning by watching can be a lot of fun. Why not learn while watching a movie? I got my rabbinic student friend to turn away from the homework for awhile to give me a list of movies. Movies for learning about Judaism Judaism is not just a religion. It is a culture, an ethnicity, a…

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Chanukah begins next week

Dear Interfaith Families and Friends, Chanukah will be here in a mere week. The first night is December 4. Light your first candle on Tuesday night. Chanukah in the Headlights! Here’s an email I got from Julie on this list: I used to have a great list of Hanukkah activities to do with the kids,…

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Holiday Nostalgia is a Good Thing

Some Nostalgia… and Where it can Lead It is with tremendous nostalgia that I tell you that it is time for Annual Chanukah Bazaars. My eldest, Elly, is twenty one years old and before she was born my husband and I were members of Beth El in Berkeley and volunteered at the Bazaar. At the thought of…

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What Will You Do on Christmas Day?

Christmas is coming We are heading into the massive HOLIDAY SEASON. Some of you have got your process nailed. You know just where you’ll go, with whom and what you’ll do there. Others of you are not so sure. Feel free to call me and we can talk through the options you’re considering. The closer…

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You are Mine for Now

When my daughter was in kindergarten we had to change schools midyear. I was anxious about bringing my five year old to a new school where all the other kids had bonded. I remember the February morning that I walked into the office of the new school and introduced Elly to the school secretary, Sue….

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What do the Children Say?

I want to direct you to a very important article that appeared in the J-Weekly. It is an interview with young adults who are from interfaith families. As I have said in the past, try to remain open to what they are saying. If some of what they say is troubling to you, call me….

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Posted in Children
Published on October 10th, 2007