Women are typically more comfortable discussing the challenges of their marriage and parenting. So when husbands balk at coming to a program Women in Interfaith Relationships is a great option because the women can attend and take the good ideas home to share. I am not saying that men never discuss these things, only that…
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Honoring the religion of another while loving your own
Sometimes it is hard to put words to an idea. The idea of loving one’s own faith tradition and also finding value in other traditions is an idea we commonly discuss. But what does that really look like? Is there a simple way to explain it to children? Or to our parents? I came across…
Read More »Interfaith Couples come in all Religions
I received an email from a Christian woman who told me this: I am Christian and my ex-husband is Muslim. I have nowhere to turn for help so I’m writing to you even though neither of us is Jewish. While we were married we raised our ten year old girl to observe both religions. Now…
Read More »Conversion to Judaism
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Conversion Are you curious about conversion to Judaism — for yourself or someone you love? Perhaps you know someone who is converting and wonder why someone would make that choice. Maybe this is the first time you heard that conversion to Judaism is a possibility. Curious? Confused? Join…
Read More »After the Play: Disgraced
You’ve heard that one should not bring up religion, race or politics in polite company but in Disgraced these are central issues. One reviewer said, “As much as “Disgraced” is a play about the potential tensions between old faiths and the modern world, it also dramatizes the complexity of identity, the interior tug of war…
Read More »Growing up Jewish and Scottish

I have decided to start sharing some of the comments from individuals who grew up in an interfaith family. I am including those whose mothers converted and who have been hurt by people’s discrediting their Jewish identity based on that and that alone. All quotes are posted WITH THE PERMISSION of the individual who shared…
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