Once again we go to a local theater production and then take a Jewish look at the play. That won’t be difficult with this comedy from Daniel Handler. See the play before – or after – the class. Imaginary Comforts, or the Story of the Ghost of the Dead Rabbit Join us this fall for…
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Basic Judaism Classes Fall 2017
It is autumn and the Jewish year will start up very shortly. Along with the new year come all the new BASIC Judaism classes. I am listing all those of which I am aware. Do email me (dawn@buildingjewishbridges.org) to tell me of other BAY AREA basic Judaism classes. Introduction to Judaism: Exploring Jewish Beliefs and…
Read More »Remembering 9/11
Every 9/11 we remember that hellish morning when we learned that planes had hit in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania. We know just where we were standing, what we were doing when we learned of the attack. One young man, an Oakland firefighter who went to New York as part of the mobilization of…
Read More »Sukkah Party for Interfaith Couples & Families
Sukkah Party for Interfaith Couples & Families Come to the Sukkah for some food and fun. Together we’ll make and hang sukkah decorations and everyone will get a chance to wave the lulav and etrog. We’ll make edible sukkahs that kids (and adults) can take home. Date: Sunday, October, 8 Time: 2 to 4pm Place:…
Read More »Jewish responses to Charlottesville, VA
We are reeling from the events in Charlottesville. Across the Jewish community clergy and laypeople are moved to words and actions. Here are some from the Bay Area. Cantor Chabon, B’nai Tikvah, Walnut Creek The older I get, the more I understand that living a fulfilling life depends on how we respond to the joys…
Read More »Seeds of Light

I want to share with you a beautiful piece that Jhos Singer sent out to his community, Chochmat Halev. It is a reminder to take time to notice the blessings around you. Slow down, enjoy this life. There are seeds of light planted everywhere if you can see them Shabbat Shalom Chaverim, There is a…
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