Passover Tips

Just a few days till Passover. Plan ahead so you don’t drive yourself crazy.

Passover Tips
I’ve come across so many wonderful ideas, resources and activities! I’m just going to make a list of them all.
Send a free Passover e-card from the Reform Judaism site.
Personalized Passover Place Cards – This woman offers loads of downloadable (not free) Passover images for place cards and she has one free downloadable Seder plate coloring image. Great for little kids.  Or just use her ideas and make your own.|
Jews of Color Initiative has a long list of events and resources
New for 2024 Haggadahs
15 Easy Passover Recipes for Kids from PJ Library
The best Passover packed lunches – from my favorite British cook
Kid Friendly Passover Events Around the Bay.
Passover Seders available around the Bay Area 

Some old favorites:
OF COURSE, matzah pizza! Go simple  Or go fancy!
Matzah Vegetable Lasagna
Banana Passover Cake
Apple Crisp and Brownies

Still got questions or just want to explore the options?
Join me on Tuesday, April 16 for a Zoom workshop on covering the details from big to small, old to young:

Mastering the Interfaith, Intercultural, Multigenerational Seder
It can be a challenge to have everyone from your neighbor’s toddler to your great uncle coming to your Seder. Will people be bored? Will they get hungry? Will the kids wander from the table eliciting grumbling from other guests? Come discuss ways to engage different ages from infant to school age to teen to adults. As well as people of other faiths and cultures.

We’ll cover:

Interactive games
How to bring in the non-Jewish family & friends
Food during the Seder
Haggadahs for different groups
15 Steps to a complete Seder
How to cut your Seder time down to manageable

Date:   Tuesday, April 16
Time:   7 to 8pm
Place:   Zoom, email me at for the link
Or go to the Eventbrite page here

Finally, for the doggie parents out there, some silliness: What Should Your Dog Wear to the Passover Seder?