Need a Virtual Seder?

You’re sheltering in place – GOOD! But you are alone or you have never led a Seder before or you just want some Passover company!  The J-weekly has created a calendar of Passover activities, including Virtual Seders. You can find that page here.

There are other local virtual Seders that aren’t on the list. Here are the ones that I have found.


Passover Sukkah: Seder for those Sheltering
Why is this Passover night different from all other Passover nights? On all other Passovers we celebrate sitting close together, while at this Seder, led by Rabbi David Cooper, Talia Cooper and Ariel Luckey, we will eat in separate houses. This will be an interactive Seder, using the Kehilla Home Haggadah, and there will be times where participants can offer poems, songs or readings on Seder themes. If you would like to contribute, please find details about how to do so on the the calendar listing for this event. Your own dinner will follow after the Seder. Join us by clicking here to register! This seder is brought to you free of charge, but it’s a mitzvah to contribute to build community.

Via Zoom Wednesday, April 8, 5-6:30pm
Sponsored by Kehilla Community Synagogue, Piedmont, CA
NOTE: Kehilla’s website seems to be down. I’m checking into it. The links above should still be working.

Join us at a Virtual Seder!
Why is this night different? This year, we are online; next year, we’ll be free (to congregate, that is).

Rabbi and Janet Elis Milder will host an online Seder, with participation by various congregants, each leading a part of the Seder. Read along, sing along, enjoy your Seder with commentary and creativity from the Milders and others.

Wednesday, April 8 | 6:00 pm
Register here and we’ll send you a link and more useful material for this year’s Seder.
Sponsored by Beth Emek, Pleasanton


AND, here are the Steps of the Seder with their blessings and an explanation from IKAR Los Angeles.