A year ago I didn’t think the pandemic would last this long. I made due with a Zoom Seder and enjoyed the novelty of it. But a year later I’m not so enthused. I have heard many people say they are sick of screens. Last April I read a fascinating article about “third quarter” of isolation when things get really tough. It occurs as a prescribed period of isolation draws towards the end – think astronauts and arctic explorers. But we’ve seen the end to our isolation offered and retracted several times over. So I am wary of what comes next. I, like most of you, will have another Zoom Seder. I’m not thrilled about this, but such is life.
So how can I (we) make the best of it? First, I am promising myself that for sure, Next Year In Person. Don’t tell me I could be wrong; I need to believe!
Second, this year we are planning for those at each home to have interactive time with their table of participants. For me that’s my husband and two of our children who live with us. Not bad! Then there will also be time to socialize on Zoom with our extended family and friends. We have designated one Seder leader and she is fully in charge. There won’t be the banter, interruptions, suggestions, and ideas of past years, an interesting difference for this opinionated bunch!
We are going all out on the meal. Why should the food be second rate? We are figuring out how to make Matzah Ball Soup for four when it is usually for twenty. Ditto with all the other dishes. Each household will make their own meal because we seem to be quite spread out at present.
Our Leader has sent out the Haggadah that we will be using (she wrote it herself) and I am going to throw myself into not being responsible! I’m planning a special dessert because it’s fun to have something coming at the (almost) very end.
On the plus side, loved ones who far from the bay area will be joining us. Folks who don’t bother with Seder on their own are jumping in just for the family connection. There will be a lot of love. You can’t go wrong with love.
If you are looking for a virtual Seder to join take a look at this list from the J-weekly.
I have a Pinterest page where I save all sorts of wonderful ideas and articles on Passover. If you are wishing for something new go browse here.
If you simply can’t face any of this for a second year let me tell you that I have a dear friend who plans to watch The Prince of Egypt and eat some matzah. Give yourself a break or go wild – it’s all good!
Happy Passover!
Next year TOGETHER!