Here we go – 2017! Our world has been shaken. I, for one, was stunned by the election results. The majority of my family and friends are in categories that feel increasingly unsafe. As a woman I have been subject to sexual harassment and as a Jew I have been told I wasn’t welcome (yes, literally asked to leave). But that feels small compared to my Muslim friends, my African American niece, my Hispanic nephew, my many LGBT friends, and friends who were brought to America as infants from Mexico and fear deportation to a land they’ve never seen.
I admit that I was paralyzed for several days. But then I remembered that I need to use my privilege to protect the vulnerable. The major faiths all state that we are responsible for our sisters and brothers – no matter their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. So time to get crackin’!
It is a whole lot easier to move mountains with your community that all alone. I hope you are involved with your synagogue, church or mosque. If you need to get connected just contact me. (
My job is still to help interfaith couples and families discover whether and how they can feel comfortable in the Jewish community. Call me anytime.
I LOVE it when I run into one of you out and about! Do always say hello.
Jacob and Wrestling and Finding Balance in the New Year (Oakland)
Tots ‘n Torah (Burlingame)
Jewish Overnight Camp Fair (Palo Alto)
Introduction to Judaism Winter 2017 (San Francisco)
Intro to Judaism Class: Israel and Texts (Berkeley)
The Book of Ruth (Oakland)
Ruach! (Spirit!) (Danville)
Mizmor Shir! Social Action Shabbat (Oakland)
Shabbatot (San Francisco)
Sababa Shabbat (Oakland)
Be a Fabulous Interfaith Grandparent! (Pleasanton)
It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe: A Sing-along Concert (Oakland)
Prayerbook Blues? (Danville)
Book Discussion: “Why Be Jewish?” (Palo Alto)
Family Learning Day: The Secret Life of Bees and Trees (Berkeley)
Wilderness Torah’s Tu B’Shvat in the Redwoods (Oakland)
Master the Interfaith, Intercultural, Multigenerational Seder (Pleasanton)
Jacob and Wrestling and Finding Balance in the New Year
A special musical Kabbalat Shabbat
Temple Beth Abraham’s singers have compiled a handful of songs to add to this week’s regular Friday evening service. Inspired by the stories of Jacob wrestling and Rabbi Bloom’s high holiday theme of balance, they invite you to start the new secular year with a mix of niggunim, contemporary Jewish tunes, traditional spirituals, jazz melodies as well as a Polish melody brought back from the congregation’s trip to Eastern Europe last summer.
Date: Friday, January 13
Time: 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Place: Temple Beth Abraham, in the chapel, 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
Tots ‘n Torah
Please join us for a musical and festive Shabbat service geared to preschool-age children.
Tots ‘n Torah is open to our entire community.
RSVP includes a light meal for parents and children ($5 for children, $10 for adults). The meal is usually immediately after the short service.
(We send out evites to get an RSVP count for each event. If you are not receiving these evites and would like to be added to the list, please email
At dinner there will be a sign in sheet on your table, so there is no need to pay in advance, but please RSVP to the evite so we can order the right amount of food for all.
Dates: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March. 10, April 14, May 12
Time: service at 6pm; dinner at 6:30pm
Place: Peninsula Temple Sholom, 1655 Sebastian Dr, Burlingame
PLEASE contact Rabbi Lisa at and let her know to expect you. She is concerned about having enough food.
Jewish Overnight Camp Fair
Are you interested in a Jewish overnight camp experience for your kids or teens? Come to the Fair where there will be LOTS of camps represented. Including:
Buck’s Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp
Brandeis Pre-College Programs
Camp Alonim
Camp Be’chol Lashon
Camp Kimama
Camp Ramah
Camp Tawonga
Habonim Dror—Camp Gilboa
JCC Maccabi Sports Camp
URJ 6 Points Sports Academy
URJ Camp Newman
Date: January 15
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Place: Osher Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto
Introduction to Judaism Winter 2017
Join with Emanu-El clergy to learn about the breadth and wonder of Jewish tradition. This class is a pathway for the adult learner who wishes to discover or deepen Jewish knowledge, non-Jews who are marrying a Jewish partner, and those who are considering conversion to Judaism.
Date: January 17, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
Place: Temple Emanu-El, 2 Lake St., San Francisco
Details here.
Introduction to the Jewish Experience: Israel and Texts
Introduction to the Jewish Experience is a three-part series of classes to introduce students to Jewish culture and practice. Students come from a wide variety of backgrounds: Jews who did not receive a Jewish education, Jews who wish to resume their education as adults, persons interested in conversion to Judaism, and others who wish to learn more about Judaism. The three parts of the series may be taken in any order. Please pre-register.
Dates: Wednesdays, January 18 – March 8
Time: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Place: Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
Cost: $105 for the public; $90 for members of Beth El and Temple Sinai.
Register here.
The Book of Ruth
This brief but fascinating text touches so many bases in our understanding of the Biblical world: daily life, family, clan and national identity, and the roles and limitations of women. This four-session class will delve into each of the four chapters of this brilliantly concise yet expressive text, both revealing the world of Ruth and linking its timeless meaning to our world.
Dates: Thursdays, January 19, February 2 and 16, March 2
Time: 7:00–8:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Cost: $50
Register here.
Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica.
Ruach! (Spirit!)
Please join us for this joyful, spirited service featuring music by the incomparable Dean Chapman!!
Ruach service is followed by Ice Cream Sundaes!
Place: Friday, January 20
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Beth Chaim, 1800 Holbrook Dr, Danville
Mizmor Shir! Social Action Shabbat
This year, Social Action Shabbat will feature poetry performances by 2015 Oakland Youth Poet Laureate Tova Ricardo and two Slam Champions. We will hear their poetry during the service and have an opportunity to talk with them during the oneg. Youth Speaks, the organization who helped them develop their voices, will be with us as well. Join us.
Date: January 20
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Our new community-based, music, song, and story-filled Shabbat service and dinner.
3rd Friday of the month will include a short service at 6pm and an inter-generational dinner will be served at 6:30pm.
There is no cost for this program.
We would like our programs to be accessible to those with chemical sensitivities and allergies, and therefore support a fragrance-free environment.
Date: January 20 and Feb. 17
Time: Begins at 6pm. You can leave or stay for the 6:30pm dinner
Place: Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores St., San Francisco
If you have questions, please contact Adam Pollack, Director of Engagement at or at 415-861- 6932
Details here.
Sababa Shabbat
Join us for Sababa Shabbat, our special Shabbat program for young children (pre-school age through 2nd grade) and their families. Join us for pizza and salad dinner (Dinner price is $25 per family, please RSVP by Wed, Jan 18 here, No one shall be turned away due to lack of funds.) or join us afterwards at 6pm for a small child friendly, music-filled Kabbalat Shabbat service. We look forward to sharing Shabbat with you and yours!
Date: Friday evening, January 20
Time: 5:30pm for the dinner and 6pm for child friendly services
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Questions? Please contact
Be a Fabulous Interfaith Grandparent!
Explore how to engage in Jewish activities with grandchildren without overstepping boundaries.
Date: Feb. 6
Time: 7:30 to 9pm
Place: Beth Emek, 3400 Nevada Court, Pleasanton
Cost: $8, no one turned away.
Register here.
It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe
A Sing-along Concert
The songs of Yip Harburg and Lorenz Hart. We’ll project the words on a screen. All you need is your voice (and maybe your glasses).
Recognized these songs:
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Over the Rainbow
My Funny Valentine
Join other people too shy to sing alone for a musical evening.
Date: Sat., Feb. 4
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland, a block from Broadway
Recommended Donations: $15 and for those under 30 and over 80 $10
Questions: Phil Rubin 510-547-8080
Prayerbook Blues?
Are you lost when you open a prayer book? Where did these prayers come from? Who wrote them? How did prayer develop? Join Jamie Hyams for a 3-session exploration of the history, development and purpose of Jewish prayer.
Dates: Feb. 9, Feb.23, March 2
Time: 7:30 – 9:00pm
Place: Beth Chaim, 1800 Holbrook Dr, Danville
Book Discussion: “Why Be Jewish?”
Ruth Andrew Ellenson, author of The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt, and Ari Y. Kelman, Jim Joseph Chair in Education and Jewish Studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, will discuss the late Edgar M. Bronfman’s book Why Be Jewish?
Ms. Ellenson was Bronfman’s literary collaborator on this compelling reflection on what it means to be Jewish in the modern age. The topics of Jewish identity, ritual, faith, secularism and the future of the Jewish world will be addressed. As the book jacket of Why Be Jewish? states, Edgar Bronfman “makes a compelling case for the meaning and transcendence of a secular Judaism that is still steeped in deep moral values, authentic Jewish texts and a focus on deed over creed or dogma.” The talk will be followed by a Q & A session.
Date: Thursday, February 9
Time: 7:00–7:30pm Happy hour schmooze
7:30pm Discussion begins
Place: Palo Alto JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, Room F-401
Cost: $10 Students | $12 Members and J-Pass holders | $15 General Public
One drink is included in the price of each ticket
Info: Ilanit Gal | (650) 223-8649 |
Family Learning Day: The Secret Life of Bees and Trees
The Secret Life of Bees and Trees: an Urban Shtetl community-wide, family Tu B’Shevat celebration! We welcome kids of all ages to come celebrate the new year of trees with learning, connecting, art, and games in our cozy sanctuary. A beekeeper will teach us secrets from the bees, plus enjoy stories from Joel Ben Izzy, art projects, honey making games and more.
Date: Sunday, Feb. 12
Time: 10:00-2:00pm
Place: Chochmat Halev, 2215 Prince St., Berkeley
Cost: $40/family in advance; $50/family at the door
Sign up here.
Wilderness Torah’s Tu B’Shvat in the Redwoods
Come to the redwoods to celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the unseen awakening of spring. In the tradition of the Tsfat mystics, we gather in the forest to create an experiential Tu B’Shvat seder that connects us to the trees and the elements. Morning seder, kids program, and afternoon workshops!
Date: Sunday, February 12
Time: 10 am to 3:30 pm
Place: Roberts Regional Recreation Area, Oakland
Cost: See Wilderness Torah’s website for pricing details.
Register here by Thursday, Feb 9 – Advance tickets only, none available on site.
Master the Interfaith, Intercultural, Multigenerational Seder
What do you do when you have Muslims, Christians, atheists and Jews coming to your Seder? And they are all different ages, from toddler to senior? You make it fun and you make sure no one is succumbing to hungry before the meal.
We’ll discuss food planning, toys at the table, games ANYONE can play, and how everyone can have fun – even YOU!
Come discuss ways to engage people of different ages, cultures and religions in your Seder.
Date: Sunday, March 19
Time: 10:30am to 12noon
Place: Beth Emek, 3400 Nevada Court, Pleasanton