Is there anything more important to us than our children? And I define children very broadly – the next generation, all those young folks who will be in charge of the world when we are retired. We love them and want them to thrive.
One area that I am quite adamant about is SUPPORTING the generation of adults from interfaith families. Some of these families are also interracial. For the person who isn’t perceived as “looking Jewish” trying to navigate the Jewish world can be a shock. Suddenly their looks are remarked upon and their identity is challenged.
Yes, we the parent generation need to work on ourselves.
But young Jews are increasingly creating narratives and experiences that make Judaism their own.
Naturally I was thrilled to receive a note from one of the founders of LUNAR: The Jewish-Asian Film Project saying that my words had mattered in her pursuit of her own Jewish practice and belonging.
Dawn, I still remember when we first met and you encouraged me to make my own meaning of Torah. I took your advice and I’m so glad for it. You’ve been an advocate for multicultural Jews for so long, and without your pioneering work, projects centering multicultural Jewish voices could not be received with such warmth and eagerness in the Jewish community.
Gen Xia Ye Slosberg
LUNAR describes their purpose this way:
LUNAR cultivates connection, belonging and visibility for Asian American Jews through authentic multimedia storytelling and intersectional community programming.
There is so much more to learn at their website GO!
They are a film project so naturally you should watch their films. They have a YouTube channel and are just beginning their second season. Go binge watch Season 1.
Perhaps you are an Asian Jew and want to connect with LUNAR. Or maybe you are interested in lifting up the voices of another part of our rich Jewish community and would like to ask how they got started. You can contact LUNAR by emailing the team at