Despite the hot weather that may lead you to believe it is the height of summer, in fact the autumn is here. The kids are back in school which means that Hebrew school is also beginning, along with soccer practice, tutoring and all those kid-involved activities.
We are in the month of Elul; a month in which we are to examine ourselves. How did I do this last year? What I as kind as I promised myself I would be? What I productive? Did I have quiet time to myself?
I’d like you to consider what you would like to promise yourself in the coming year. What would you like?
More free time
More time with friends or family
More time for a hobby
A commitment to social action
Reading to your kids or parents
Eat more healthfully
Get in a couple walks each week
Or maybe there are some very intense things you are pondering.
Apologizing to someone you know you’ve wronged
Making peace with a relative
Telling someone you care about that they have hurt you
Letting go of a grief that has been holding on to you too long
Whatever you may be wishing to change, now is the time to mull it over. I spoke recently to a woman who has a very big rift she wants to heal. We agreed that it won’t be easy or comfortable or fast. But she is going to address it in the coming days, weeks and months. I can only say, my kudos to her! May we all grab what is troubling in our lives and make our best effort to change it and ourselves.
What are you addressing this Elul season?