What is Judaism’s Belief about the Afterlife?

What is Judaism’s Belief about the Afterlife?
G-d Talk with Rabbis from Across the Jewish Denominations

One of the most frequently asked questions of Rabbis is “What is Judaism’s Belief about the Afterlife?”

As with most Jewish beliefs, this one has many answers. Plan to attend this program and hear the panelists talk about what their beliefs are and how they interpret them according to Jewish thought.

Rabbi Steven Chester, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Sinai, Oakland (Reform)
Rabbi Chaya Gusfield, Kaiser Palliative Care Chaplain (Renewal)
Rabbi Jill Perlman, Temple Isaiah, Lafayette (Reform)
Rabbi Daniel Stein, Congregation B’nai Shalom, Walnut Creek (Conservative)

Please bring questions you’ve always wanted to ask.
This event is free of charge and open to the public.
Light refreshments will be served.

Date:   Tuesday, March 10
Time:   7pm
Place:   Temple Isaiah, in the Social Hall, 945 Risa Road, Lafayette
RSVP here.

We offered a similar program, What Do Rabbis REALLY Believe about God,  last year and people LOVED it.  It is so valuable to hear the similarities and differences in belief from the rabbis’ mouths.

Posted in God
Published on February 23rd, 2020