Do you know what is the LAST cultural practice immigrants give up? Their native cuisine. I remember learning that in a college history class. At the time I was living on a dorm floor that was about half Asian girls. ALL OF THEM, despite how long they or their families had been in the US had brought a rice cooker to school. Professor Levine’s message certainly did sync with my own environment. Think about it – are there foods that you enjoy that you don’t bother to serve to visitors? For me, cucumber slices in buttermilk comes to mind. My grandmother loved and served it. But I have never even mentioned it to friends; until now.
Are you a descendant of a particular cuisine? Filipino? Russian? Argentinean? Are you married to someone with a unique food culture? Have you put effort into blending or adapting recipes? I’ve discussed this Faith Kramer, author of 52 Shabbats and speaker at Spicy Jews: Jewish Food Around the World (program will be Thursday evening in Oakland, free). Most couples want to share their traditions. Most parents want to teach their children about both sides of the family.
I hope you will join me with Faith to discuss how Jews have adapted foods everywhere we have traveled AND discuss the interesting adaptations we ourselves have made in our own cooking.
You do need to sign up for this workshop, Spicy Jews, so please simply email me at to let me know you’ll be coming.