The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is just about to begin their WinterFest film series AND the East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is also weeks away. I love movies and many people find them a good way to learn. It’s hard to explain the full range of Jewish cultures, countries and traditions but you can gain a deeper understanding by watching films.
There’s one film that I’ve been wanting to see, The Wedding Plan. It’s a comedy about an Orthodox woman who decides she wants to get married and that God will provide the groom. So that one is already on my calendar, March 12 at 1:45pm in Pleasant Hill. Join me if you can. I’ve been given some free tickets to a couple of the SF films because I am “co-presenting” them. I’ll be finding a way to make them prizes for a lucky couple of people as soon as I can give you the time and place. Stay tuned.
There’s a fun website, Rabbi at the Movies https://rabbiatthemovies.com/about/ on which Rabbi Adar is gradually making her way through hundreds of Jewish films and reviewing them. Many of the films she discusses are readily available. If you love film and want to dive in a bit deeper take a look at her site.
What Does it Mean When Someone Says They are “Culturally Jewish”?
This is Bay Area Jewry Photo Exhibit (Berkeley)
Tu B’Shevat in the Park (San Francisco)
Israeli Folk Dance! (Foster City)
Introduction to Judaism (Oakland)
First Rockin Shabbat of 2018 (Redwood City)
Friday Night Lights: The Tu BiShvat Edition (Palo Alto)
This is Bay Area Jewry Photo Exhibit
“This Is Bay Area Jewry” is now on display in the Beth El social hall! The exhibition features intimate portraits and written profiles of individuals and families from around the Bay Area, including several Beth El members and families. We invite you to meet these unique individuals—born Jewish and converts, LGBT Jews, and multicultural Jews. Their paths to Judaism and spiritual connections may differ, and they are all Jewish.
Save the dates for an evening program on February 22 and a program and reception on March 11 with more details to come.
Exhibit will hang through March 31.
Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
Call the office for daily hours when the synagogue is open and you can see the exhibit on your own at 510-848-3988.
Tu B’Shevat in the Park
Tu B’Shevat is our day to celebrate the trees and the work we must do to keep our planet green and healthy for generations to come. Tu B’Shevat in the Park will reimagine the Tu B’Shevat ritual and inspire us to renew our community effort to plant trees for the future.
This free event will showcase that environmental preservation, restoration and justice are a core Jewish value while raising awareness of environmental issues facing our planet and how the community can take action. Live Musical Performances and Special Programming.
Date: Sunday, January 28
Time: 2pm
Place: Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
For more information or RSVP go here
Hosted by Reboot.
Israeli Folk Dance!
Join us for any or all of our four evenings of Israeli folk dance at PSC, led by local master of Israeli dance, Ms. Karina Lambert (Learn more about her here. Each evening follows this schedule: 6-6:30pmfor children and families; 6:30-6:45pm break; 6:45-7:45pm adult dancing. NO experience is required for any of these evenings, but even the most experienced will enjoy them!
Dates: January 28, Feb 25, Apr 15 & June 10
Time: 6-7:45pm
Place: Social Hall of Peninsula Sinai, 499 Boothbay Ave., Foster City
RSVP not required but helpful: cantor@peninsulasinai.org.
Introduction to Judaism
Rabbi Mark Bloom will teach his Introduction to Judaism class this winter. He says that, “While much of the class will be made up of conversion candidates, all are welcome to attend. You sign up simply by letting me know via e-mail that you will be coming. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Dates: Wednesdays, beginning January 31
Time: 7:30pm – The class runs an hour and 15 minutes & will meet for 10-12 sessions
Place: Baum Center at Temple Beth Abraham, 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
Cost: $36 per person
Enroll by emailing Rabbi Bloom at rabbibloom@tbaoakland.org and letting him know you want to participate.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have not been to Beth Abraham previously please call and make sure you know where you are going and how to get to the room where the class is held. Beth Abraham has its own parking lot so parking will be easy.
(Don’t forget to let me know how you like the class!)
First Rockin Shabbat of 2018
Joine Congregation Beth Jacob of Redwood City for their Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service! This service, led by the Team Rockin’ Musicians under the leadership of Cantor Barbara Powell, is full of ruach (spirit). Congregants are encouraged to join in leading the prayers or to play instruments with the band. This is an evening for people of all ages. There is an excellent Shabbat meal served following the service.
Date: Friday, February 2
Time: 6:15pm
Place: 1550 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City
Sign up and pay for the dinner here.
Friday Night Lights: The Tu BiShvat Edition
Join us for our Shabbat programming for the six and under crowd and their families. Shabbat songs, dancing, and prayers start at 5:45, with a potluck dinner following. After dinner there will be supervised activities for the children while the grown-ups relax and chat over wine and cheese.
Date: Friday, February 2
Time: 5:45 – 7:30 pm
Place: Etz Chayim, 4161 Alma, Palo Alto
Free and open to all, but please go to the front page of our website, or click here to RSVP so we know how many tables to set up.