If you didn’t grow up a Jew, but you’re now in a relationship with one, you’ve discovered a wide range of negotiable issues. Do you recognize any of these?
- Will we have a Jewish home, and what does that mean?
- Will I be an observer or a participant in Judaism in our home?
- Will we raise our children as Jews, and again, what does that mean?
- What is expected of me in a Jewish celebration, service, or lifecycle event?
- If I have my own religion, how does it fit into our life together?
- What if one or both of us is a person of color, an immigrant, LGBTQIA+ or in some other way doesn’t look like a “stereotypical Jew”?
How do we address the unique concerns of our family’s makeup?
Join other curious individuals and couples to discuss these questions and hear options for you.
All are welcome! Feel free to invite friends or family who might be interested in this event.
Date: Sun, September 11
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30am
Register here for this event and to receive the link to participate.
This event is cosponsored by Chaverim, Jewish Gateways‘ men’s group, which welcomes all male-identifying and gender nonconforming people.