Community Seders 2014

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First Night Seders

35th Annual First Night Community Seder
Join our community on the first night of Passover and participate in the telling of the story of the Jewish people’s journey from slavery to freedom. Sing old and new favorites, ask questions and find the afikomen (piece of matzah). A traditional kosher Seder meal is served. Seder led by the JCC’s Rabbi Batshir Torchio.
Catering provided by Continental / Too Caterers

To see the menu, get tickets, and learn more, click here

Date: Monday April 14
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 pm, Program Begins at 6:30 pm
Place: San Francisco JCC, 3200 California St., San Francisco

Passover Seder for Families with Young Children
Celebrate the first night of Passover at the JCC East Bay with this interactive and music-filled Passover Seder! Especially for 2-7 year olds, though younger and older children are also welcome. No Jewish knowledge or experience is necessary. The Seder will include a light, kid-friendly meal, served picnic style, and will be led by Rabbi Bridget Wynne.

Date: April 14
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: East Bay JCC, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley
Cost: $15.00 per child (age 2-13), $25.00 per teen (14+) or adult
Vegetarian option available. Volunteer opportunities and discounts available on first-come basis. Contact Emma at No one turned away for lack of funds.
This event will sell out, so you’re encouraged to buy tickets as soon as possible.

Community Passover Seder
Celebrate the first night of Passover with this interactive, lively, and music-filled Passover Seder. All are welcome, and no Jewish knowledge or experience is necessary. The Seder will include a full meal with chicken, matzoh ball soup, and wine, and will be led by Rabbi Bridget Wynne.

Date: April 14
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: East Bay JCC, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley
Cost: $60.00 per adult or teen (14+); $40.00 per JCCEB member, senior, or college student; $20.00 per volunteer or child.
Vegetarian option available.
Volunteer opportunities and discounts available on first-come basis. Contact Emma at No one turned away for lack of funds.
This event will sell out, so you’re encouraged to buy tickets as soon as possible.
Sponsored by the Jewish Community Center East Bay.

Dan Feder leads Seder

    Second Night Seders

Kol Hadash Humanitarian Congregation Community Seder
A woman emailed me to say that Kol Hadash’s Seder is April 19 and the deadline to register is 4/15. But the website said the deadline is Monday, April 7. So go to their website immediately to sign up,

Date: April 19 at 6:00
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm & the Seder is at 6pm
Where: Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin, Albany
Costs listed on website.

Community Passover Seder
“Let all who are hungry come and eat” is one of the central motifs of Passover, when we celebrate not only the freedom of the Jewish people from the tyranny of slavery, but also freedom for all people from the tyranny of hunger. On the second night of Pesach join us for a lively retelling of the Haggadah as the Israelites make the journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. The Seder will be led by Rabbis Larry Raphael and Julie Saxe-Taller.

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Sherith Israel, 2266 California St., San Francisco
Cost, details and registration here.

Second Night Community Seder
Join Rabbi Reuben Zellman along with Beth El friends, old and new, for a festive Pesach celebration and delicious catered kosher-for-Pesach meal. We are never too old or too young to learn and retell the story of liberation. Through song, ritual and discussion, we will retell the Pesach story, making connections to our own lives and our world.

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
Cost: Members: Adults $54; Young Adult (30 and under) $36; Children $18
Non-members: Adults $72; Young Adult (30 and under) $36; Children $25; College students w/ID $18
Through the generosity of anonymous Beth El members, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. RSVP by Monday, April 7 online here.

Second-Night Pesach Seder
Join the East Bay Minyan and Urban Adamah for a community Seder!
Join us for a wonderful evening of delicious food, lively conversation, spirited singing, and uplifting explanations as we experience our liberation! Dinner will be fully kosher l’Pesach with gluten-free, vegan, and meat options. “We were slaves, now we’re free!” Come celebrate!

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 7pm-10:30pm
Place: Urban Adamah, 1050 Parker St., Berkeley
RSVP: Required! (By April 12.) $25 to $50 per person, sliding scale.
Sign up here.

Second Night Passover Seder
All are invited to our community seder! A full meal will be served. Both a meat and a vegetarian version are available. Advanced reservations are required by April 11. To sign up call the Temple office at 510-522-9355.

Date: April 15
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Temple Israel, 3183 Mecartney Rd., Alameda

Two Seders at the same time and day at Etz Chayim –
Talk Amongst Yourselves Seder
In addition to the basic songs and symbolic foods and rituals of the seder, Rabbi Cartun will use Haggadah artwork from various artists, genres, eras, and parts of the Seder to “illustrate” the Exodus story. Basically, this will be a Rohrschach Seder, talking about what we see in the art, and how it “speaks” to us about the Passover story. We’ll celebrate, sing and discuss for almost two hours before we eat dinner, but there will be plenty of karpas (crudites) to tide us over.

On One Foot Seder
Long before they were here, there, and everywhere, frogs were living in Egypt, and they are very proud of the role they played in freeing the slaves. For generations, they have continued to tell the story. At this interactive, family-friendly Seder, we will hop through the Haggadah along with the frogs. We have our Four Questions, and the frogs have theirs! Jump right in to celebrate the Seder from a whole new perspective. Abra will lead us in singing and fun for about one hour before dinner.

Both seders will offer a catered, gourmet dinner with a chicken or vegetarian option. If you’d like wine, please bring a bottle to share (must be kosher for Passover).
Kosher catered by Wendy Kleckner of Too Caterers with everything that you would hope to find in a seder dinner. By reservation only. Non-members welcome. Reservations close Tuesday, April 8.

Date: April 15
Time: Doors open at 5:30; Seder begins at 6pm
Place: Etz Chayim, 4161 Alma Street, Palo Alto
Register here.

Second Night Passover Seder: Fun for The Whole Family
Join us for a warm, celebratory, and multigenerational seder in the Lillian Byer Social Hall. We’ll share our stories of slavery and freedom, join together in singing songs old and new, and enjoy a delicious Passover feast.

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 6pm
Place: Peninsula Temple Sholom, 1655 Sebastian Dr, Burlingame
Cost: Adults $49; children $28
For more information and to RSVP click here. You can also RSVP to Georgina at or (650) 697-2266.

Second Night Community Seder
Congregation Beth Jacob invites you to a night of story, study, and song, led by Rabbi Nathaniel Ezray
A night with Passover games and activities for kids
A night with a delicious catered kosher dinner
A night with no dishes afterward!
A night to reflect on our freedom
A night for intergenerational Jewish community

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 5:45 pm
Place: Congregation Beth Jacob, 1550 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City
Cost: $50/adults; $30/children ages 4 to 12; $10/children 3 years & under occupying a seat.
The reservation deadline is Friday, April 11. Go here to register and pay.

Annual Passover Congregational Seder
The community is invited to a family-friendly, participatory Seder on the Second Night of Passover with Temple Beth Hillel. Join Rabbi Dean Kertesz in retelling the Passover story, sing holiday melodies, and share a festive meal with all ritual Seder foods. (Vegetarian option available.)

Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Temple Beth Hillel, 801 Park Central (Hilltop exit off I-80), Richmond
Cost: Reserve early to assure seating: $8-$30. Please read the details on their website.
Questions: 510-223-2560/

Kehilla Annual Community Passover Seder
Led by Rabbis Burt Jacobson & David J. Cooper; with Special Guest, Reverend George Cummings of Oakland Community Organizations, and Imani Community Church
Our Theme: The Mitzvah to Take Action
The Hebrew prophets, A to Z (Amos to Zachariah) were called to protest the injustices in ancient Israel. And even though they were resistant, they felt compelled by divine command to speak out in order to turn their society around.
The Torah says to “not stand idly on the blood of your brother,” i.e. that in the face of suffering and oppression—of others and our own—we are forbidden to simply witness; we must act. But no one of us alone has the ability to be effective. Yet united with others who are also acting under the same prophetic responsibility, we have the power to effect change.
Many activists in Kehilla are involved in the struggle against the Pharaohs of our time. How are you or can you make a difference, too?
Moses, Jeremiah, Miriam and Micah are all invited to join us we celebrate the process of liberation and retell the Exodus story as a paradigm for our own situation today. Join them for Passover.
This year we are featuring a delicious organic catered primarily vegetarian dinner.

Date: April 19
Time: 4:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Place: Kehilla, 1300 Grand Ave, Oakland
Cost: $40/adult member; $55/adult non-member
details and registration here.