Hanukah for Adults

Tired of kiddie games and ready for some adult conversation? Join other adults on the second night of Hanukah. We’ll light candles at 7pm – bring your own menorah & candles if you want to. From 7:15 to 8:15pm you have a choice of four workshops:

Oil Vey! Hanukah Foods Around the World with Faith Kramer
Christmas in a Jewish Family with Dawn Kepler
Light in the Darkness: Mystical Understandings of Hanukah with Rabbi Bridget Wynne
Oil: Miracle or Finite Resource? with Ron Feldman

After some thought provoking conversations we’ll come together at 8:20pm for some chocolate, port and schmoozing.
You must be 21 or older to participate.

Date: Thursday, Dec. 2
Time: 7pm
Place: East Bay JCC, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley