Be Happy! It’s Adar!
There are so many fun things to do for Purim – make costumes, bake cookies – and other foods, give food gifts to friends, wear crowns and masks. Lots of playing opportunities for kids and adults. The drinking and carousing should be for the grown-ups, and kept within reason.
My Jewish Learning has lots of information on Purim.
Giving gifts of food for Purim
It is traditional for Purim to give gifts of food to friends and neighbors. These food gifts are called Mishloach Manot (sending of portions in Hebrew). Kosher on a Budget has 101 ideas for creative food items.
Making cookies – hamentashen – for the holiday.
Try an apple filling!
A hamentashen recipe by Joan Nathan, one of my favorite cookbook authors.
Another Nathan recipe, but this one on Kveller.
Go to wwwmyjewishlearning.com and search for Purim, you’ll get a variety of articles on customs, rituals, the story, food, etc.
Telling the story of Queen Esther to your kids
PJ Library has a list of books they give for Purim. Take a look here.