Don’t let anyone tell you that being in a family is always easy! But when you add more than one religion or culture there can be confusion and upsets that you couldn’t anticipate. Family gatherings, holidays, lifecycle events all take on a new color. How can you navigate your role as child, spouse, parent or grandparent in a loving and respectful way? How can you be yourself and create warm family circle? Join Dawn Kepler to discuss the challenges and the solutions in an intercultural (yes, Judaism IS a culture as well as a religion) family.
Date: April 24
Time: 7 to 8:30pm
Place: Temple Beth Torah, 42000 Paseo Padre Parkway Fremont
Cost: $12
For information contact Andrea Fleekop, Director of Education, tbteducation@sbcglobal.net or (510) 656-7141