A lot of folks will be making resolutions over the next few days. Why not make a Jewish resolution for the year 2015?
Here are some ideas.
1. Increase your Jewish knowledge. The best way to feel confident is to know what you’re doing. Don’t suffer with a feeling of ignorance, learn. Take a class, read a book, see a movie. Resolve to learn something new. Jewish wisdom teaches: find yourself a teacher, make yourself a friend.
2. Deepen your spiritual observance. Whether God is a part of your belief system or not I’m betting that the beauty of nature and the warmth of community give you a feeling of joy and gratification. Look for ways to experience both the beauty (God) in nature and the beauty (God) in humans.
3. Increase your commitment to social justice. Did you know that doing something to improve the world, to assist those less fortunate, is a significant way to feel happy? It is. Look for ways to act out your values.
4. Focus on heath. Judaism teaches that our bodies belong to God and it is our responsibility to maintain them. So if you are not taking care of yourself because you put others first, give yourself permission to to fulfill your obligation to care for your own body and mind.
5. Experiment with Jewish activities. Try something new – a Jewish food, light candles this Shabbat, bless your children, watch a Jewish themed movie, read a Jewish book*, pick a tzadakah project as a family.
*For Jewish books for kids – check out the many listed at PJLibrary.
For adults, here’s a list of the “top 100 Jewish books” from My Jewish Learning.
Or explore The Jewish Book Council’s website.
You can start here but branch out. Email me and tell my your favorites, please! (dawn@buildingjewishbridges.org)