How Can We Dealing Graciously with our children’s Grandparents?
How do you tell your parents about the different choices you’ve made? It can be hard to say, we’re raising the kids Jewish. We will/won’t have a Christmas tree. The baby will/won’t be baptized, receive a bris, have a bar mitzvah.
What can we tell the non-Jewish grandparents about what is appropriate and how they can be supportive?
What do we do with negative Jewish grandparents who rail against raising kids Jewish for a range of reasons?
Join us for a compassionate and practical discussion of parenting and being parented in a multi-generational interfaith family.
Thursday, Oct. 3
7:30 to 9pm
Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Free, bring your curious friends.
Let us know you’re coming so we get enough cookies! RSVP to