Surviving as a Jew and an Outsider

This is a very hard four years facing us. The way to survive is to stay focused and plan how we will uphold our values. Do you want to protect immigrants, trans folks, minorities? Many of the synagogues have stepped up their activism.

Surviving as a Trans Individual
If you love someone who is trans (including yourself) then these days of Shock and Awe are scaring the hell out of you. One family member called me and said, “I can’t get a passport now.”

I was greatly comforted by the list of trans-supporting messages and events that came out in the weekly email from Sha’ar Zahav. I contacted their rabbi, Mychal Copeland, and asked if these events were open to non-members – THEY ARE. If you need comfort, support and community, if you would like to be in an immersive LGBTQ Jewish service, I encourage you to check out Sha’ar Zahav. If you want to play a role as an ally, go. See the events marked with a ** below.

**Trans Justice! It’s Friday! (TJIF)
Are the recent transphobic executive orders pushing you to take action? Come to our monthly gathering with Rabbi Zellman and Rabbi Kayelle on trans activism. People of all genders and cultures are encouraged to join in specific activities to fight back against anti-trans bigotry and to hold us in community.

Date:   Feb. 7
Time:   7:30 to 8:45pm
Place:   Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores St., San Francisco

Trans, intersex, and non-binary folks are invited to our own space to connect with community. Led by Rabbi Zellman and Rabbi Kayelle. This is an immersive experience; please don’t go as an observer or ally.

Date:   Feb. 14
Time:   7:30pm
Place:   Sha’ar Zahav, 290 Dolores St., San Francisco

And more:
Many in our trans community are seeking services and support. The Trans Thrive Drop-In Center (, Advocates for Trans Equality ( and the Transgender Law Center ( can help with legal matters such as IDs. You are welcome to reach out to Rabbi Zellman, Director of Sha’ar Zahav’s Welcome Home Project, for support. (Go to their website to find Rabbi Z’s email address.

Being Hispanic in these Days
Eight years have passed since that man was sworn into office in 2017. There was panic for many of us with loved ones who were undocumented. In the years that followed my family worked furiously to gain legal resident status for a member of our family. Baruch HaShem, we got it.  I began my search for assistance at East Bay Jewish Family and Community Services. They put us on the path to success. They help ALL kinds of immigrants and refugees.

But not everyone is safe out there today. Jewtina y Co. is an organization for Latin Jews. If you need help and resources, sign up for this online event.

Juntos y Fuertes: A Community Gathering for Support & Action
Join Latin-Jewish leaders & experts for an essential community gathering on immigrant rights, mental health resources & family support. Together, we’ll share knowledge, strengthen our comunidad, and take action.

Date:   Friday, February 7
Time:   3pm
Place:   Live Zoom – Register to Receive Recording
Register Here
Hosted by Jewtina y Co.

Are the Kids Alright?
A patrilineal Jew contacted me and asked, how can I meet others like myself and have a conversation that will be understood?  She and I have planned this online gathering and are hoping to have a nice variety of experiences shared by participants. If you have one Jewish parent I hope you’ll “come”. If you know someone who fits this description, please pass this invitation along. See the description below under Do You Have One Jewish Parent?

Shaloha! (Palo Alto)
Israeli Dancing (San Jose)
Mystical Madness (San Rafael)
Do You Have One Jewish Parent? (online)
Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions (Berkeley)

Shaloha, and welcome to our first ever Jew-au (Jewish Luau)!
We are bringing the island air to Kol Emeth this Friday.
6:00 pm | Hawaiian inspired Kabbalat Shabbat in the Sanctuary
7:00 pm | Jew-au Meal and Festivities in the Social Hall
7:30 pm | Interactive Hula Dancing show featuring dances from Hawaii, Tahiti, New Zealand, Samoa, and Tonga. The start time may change.
Did you know that Jewish merchants began arriving in Hawaii as early as 1850? In 1901, forty Honolulu residents formed the first Jewish Congregation of Hawaii led by Rabbi Rudolph Isaac Coffee of Oakland, California.

Date:   Friday, January 31
Time:   6:00 pm
Place:   Kol Emeth, 4175 Manuela Ave, Palo Alto
Everyone is invited. Register today!

Have I told you this story? Years ago I offered an Israeli dance night as a social activity for interfaith couples – non-interfaith was welcomed too. After the event a woman married to a Muslim man approached me to say how thrilled she was about the event. Her husband refused to attend anything at the synagogue – but, surprise, he attended the dancing! She asked him why. He answered, “It’s just dancing; everyone is going.” Never underestimate social opportunities.

Israeli Dancing
Great exercise! Great fun! Great chance to meet new people!
Put on your dancin’ shoes and come to our free Israeli dance class! This week, Loui Tucker will be leading the class. No dance experience necessary and we welcome everyone from the community to join in the fun.

Date:   Tuesday, February 4
Time:   7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Place:   Temple Emanu-el, 1010 University Ave, San Jose
Sign up

Mystical Madness
Please join us as we study Talmudic accounts of creation and the mystical madness that such speculation can bring about. We will join the sages as they travel the mystical terrain of the natural world, the nature of the divine, and the place of humanity in the order of things.

Date:   Sunday Feb 9
Time:   10:00am – 12:00pm
Place:   Osher Marin JCC, 200 N San Pedro Rd., San Rafael (in the Side-by-Side Room, no, I have no idea what that means so ask at the desk)
CLICK HERE to register for FREE and learn more.
Osher Marin JCC

Do You Have One Jewish Parent?
Do you see yourself as Jewish, half-Jewish, part Jewish, Jew-ish? Were you raised as a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu, some of this and that? We are looking for people who have one Jewish parent and would like to talk about their experience, share their stories, their questions, their wisdom. What was good? What was not so good? Will you try to duplicate your parents’ path? What would you like to ask of or tell to the “organized” Jewish community? We will come together to discuss our shared experiences as well as our differences—what we want from life now and how we are going about making that happen.

Date:   Thursday, Feb. 27
Time:   7:30 – 9:00 pm
Place:   Via Zoom
Email me at for the link.

This event is rather costly. But here’s the personal reason I am sharing it. My husband’s brother married a Jewish girl from Tunisia where the Jewish population has acquired many of the Arab traditions – like this one, Henna on a bride and groom. I’ve experienced the beauty of this practice and want to offer this to you. It is the ONLY time I’ve seen it in the US. Also, Rabbi Gabai is a marvelous woman!

Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions
Join JIMENA and the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life for a Henna Party celebrating Middle Eastern Jewish wedding traditions! Experience a traditional Sephardic and Mizrahi Henna Ceremony led by Rabbi Tsipora Gabai, the first female Moroccan Rabbi. Enjoy Middle Eastern food by Hummus Bodega, live music by Qadim, and a private guided tour of the Magnes exhibition.
Presented by The Magnes and JIMENA and co-hosted by Berkeley Hillel, Malka Production, JCC East Bay, and Our Sephardic Family.

Date:   March 20
Time:   6 – 8pm
Place:   Magnes Museum, 2121 Allston Way Berkeley
Cost:    $40.25
Register here