Sukkot begins just FIVE days after Yom Kippur! I can hardly keep up. So consider this fair warning that you should be thinking about where you’ll be shaking your lulav beginning next Wednesday evening. I’ll send you more info on that after Yom Kippur.
May you be inscribed in the book of Life for a peaceful and joyous new year (5772).
Tot Shabbat for Yom Kippur (Berkeley)
High Holy Day Services for Families with Young Children (Cupertino)
Introduction to Judaism: Exploring Jewish Beliefs and Practices (San Francisco)
Celebrate Sukkot with Tots N’ Torah (Burlingame)
Shabbat Yeladim in our Sukkah (San Rafael)
Pajamas in the Sukkah (Palo Alto)
Visit a Sukkah! (Los Altos area)
BBQ in the Sukkah (Los Gatos)
Sukkot Day Water Play (Saratoga)
Intro to Jewish Life (San Rafael)
Tot Shabbat Pizza Potluck (Oakland)
Tot Shabbat for Yom Kippur
This program was described to me this way: The tot service at Beth El tomorrow is definitely Yom Kippur focused. I went last year. It was like 30 minutes long, very age appropriate with guitar-led songs, stories, a brief torah reading, shofar blowing. They do it outside on blankets under the oak tree in front of the shul. They do them once a month on shabbat too.
Date: Saturday, Oct. 8
Time: 10:30am
Place: Beth El, 1301 Euclid, Berkeley
High Holy Day Services for Families with Young Children
High Holy Day Services for families with young children on Rosh Hashanah do not require tickets and are open to all. On Rosh Hashanah, the Services feature a special blessing for all babies born or adopted during the past year. Children are encouraged to bring a shofar to make a big noise to greet the new year.
Date: Saturday, October 8
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Place: Flint Center, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino
Hosted by Congregation Beth Am of Los Altos. For more information, call them at 650-493-4661.
Introduction to Judaism: Exploring Jewish Beliefs and Practices
Get an in-depth look at the basics of Jewish thought and practice. Engage in a mix of study, discussion and hands-on experiences. Topics include:
• Jewish beliefs and values
• Holidays and the Jewish calendar
• Prayer and liturgy
• Lifecycle events
Date: Mondays, October 10–December 19, 2011
Time: 6:30–8:00 pm
Place: Sherith Israel, 2266 California St., San Francisco
Cost: Materials fee: $5.The course book, Living Judaism by Rabbi Wayne Dosick, will be available for purchase at the first class for $15.
Information & registration: Lisa Hoelle, 415.346.1720, x24, or
Celebrate Sukkot with Tots N’ Torah
Sukkot, the Jewish harvest festival, is a fun time to come together as families and as a community to celebrate the blessings in our lives. Join us as we gather in the Peninsula Temple Sholom sukkah to sing some Shabbat songs, welcome ushpizin (special guests), wave the lulav and etrog (symbols of the holiday), and share a meal under the stars. Our Sukkot Tots ‘n’ Torah service begins promptly at 6 PM on Friday October 14 in the PTS sukkah. We will continue the celebration with a pizza dinner under the stars at 6:30.
Date: Friday, October 14
Time: 6pm
Place: Peninsula Temple Sholom, 1655 Sebastian Drive, Burlingame
Cost for dinner is $5 per person and online RSVP is required at
Shabbat Yeladim in our Sukkah
Yeladim means ‘children’ in Hebrew. This new Saturday morning Shabbat service is designed for a wider age range than the usual Tot Shabbat (more like zero to 7 or 8 rather than just pre-schoolers). Enjoy snacks and stories in the Sukkah with the fabulous Jonathan Bayer! Parents and grandparents and (even really little) kids welcome.
Date: Saturday, October 15
Time: 9:30 to 10:15am
Place: Rodef Sholom, 170 North San Pedro Rd., San Rafael
Pajamas in the Sukkah
For children aged 2-7 and their families. Enjoy snacks, stories and singing in the Sukkah. There’s lots of room in the sukkah, but please make a reservation so there will be enough food to go around. Bring some friends; non-members are welcome.
Date: October 15
Time: 5:00 to 6:30pm
Place: Etz Chayim, 4161 Alma Street, Palo Alto
To sign up go here:
For more information you can call 650-813-9094
Visit a Sukkah!
Celebrate the festival holiday of Sukkot with friends and neighbors by hosting or visiting them in a sukkah. Shake the etrog, wave the lulav and enjoy the harvest festival.
Here is what last year’s Sukkot open house goers had to say:
“I loved visiting and getting to know the clergy in such a relaxed, casual setting!”
“We had a lovely afternoon, it was great to meet other Beth Am members who live in my neighborhood!”
“What a warm, inviting atmosphere. Our kids had a great time and so did we!”
Sunday, October 16, 2 – 5 p.m.
To sign up to visit a sukkah, you must RSVP online. For more information, contact Haya Rubin, (443) 928-4741 or Jill Rosenberg, (408) 739-6250.
Hosted by Beth Am of Los Altos,
BBQ in the Sukkah
Celebrate the autumn holiday of Sukkot in the APJCC’s Sukkah. Enjoy dinner, games, singing, and dancing as we celebrate outside under the evening sky. Everyone is welcome. FREE Kosher barbecue dinner provided.
Date: Monday, October 17
Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm
Place: Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center, 14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos
RSVP by Tuesday, October 11th.
For more information or to RSVP, contact the APJCC Center for Jewish Life and Learning at 408.357.7411 or
Sukkot Day Water Play
Sukkot: The Festival of “booths” — and water!
Celebrate Sukkot with water! It’s a tradition from ancient Israel — Simchat Beit
HaShoevah — a “Drawing of Water” ceremony. We’ll read special PJ Library books on Sukkot themes! We’ll have fun with watery outdoor activities: water play, watercolor painting …and much more! And, of course, snacks in Beth David’s Sukkah!
Date: Tuesday, October 18
Time: 5 to 6:30pm
Place: Congregation Beth David, 19700 Prospect Road, Saratoga
Please RSVP by October 13 at
Sponsored by PJ Library and the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley
Intro to Jewish Life
Don’t know the difference between the Torah and the Talmud?
Want to know more about the Jewish religion, culture and traditions?
Thinking about converting to Judaism?
The first of 4 Tuesdays, this course is the perfect intro for both Jewish and non-Jewish adults interested in learning more about Jewish traditions, texts and more. Jewish “doing” and practical Jewish spirituality will be emphasized.
Date: Tuesdays, beginning Oct. 18
Time: 7:15 to 8:45pm
Place: Osher Marin JCC, 200 N. San Pedro Rd., San Rafael
Cost: $60/public; $50/member
Co-sponsored by the Osher Marin JCC, Congregations Rodef Sholom and Kol Shofar.
Tot Shabbat Pizza Potluck
Tot Shabbat pizza potluck dinners are informal gatherings and a great way to get to know parents at Temple Sinai. Dinner starts at 5:30pm in Stern Hall; the monthly Tot Shabbat service follows at 6:30pm. A requested donation of $10 per family covers the cost of food. Everyone is asked to bring something to share: a side dish, salad, beverages or dessert for the Oneg. Also, please bring water for your family, or your beverages of choice.
Date: Friday, Oct. 28
Time: 5:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Please RSVP by visiting by 4:30pm on the Wednesday before the event so that we can order enough food for everyone. If you have any questions about these events, please feel free to contact Amy Jo Goldfarb (Temple Sinai Preschool mom)
Tot Shabbat Potlucks occur every fourth Friday!