Immersive Jews of Color Post Passover Event

I have been elated to see so many Jews of color in my acquaintance committing themselves to expanding the Jewish opportunities for multiracial Jews.  My friend, Victoria, asked me to share this event.  Please note:
White people need not apply. An immersive environment is important. Please be respectful and rejoice that there are Jewish spaces for Jews of color.

Event from Victoria:
Post-Passover BIPOC Shabbat In-Person
BIPOC Shabbat – Beloved community, this space is for Black, Brown and Indigenous folks, and folks who identify as People of Color. We slow down, embody self-care and step fully into our time of rest. We’ll gather at 6:45; at 7pm we light candles and invoke sacred space together in a brief service. We’ll compare Seder stories over a pescatarian potluck and count the Omer together afterwards. If Counting Omer is new to you, welcome! Here’s more info about it). This space is for us, created by us.

Friday, April 14, 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

If you are interested in the April gathering, please contact Kehilla Synagogue BIPOC Organizer Ruthie Levin

Posted in General
Published on April 2nd, 2023