Sometimes we all just want to have fun. I remember a Muslim husband of a Jewish woman saying he went to events at their shul that didn’t involve religion, they were just social. He liked Israeli dancing, food, music. So it happened in a shul? So what.
In that state of mind let me invite you to a downhome sing-along that a dear friend of mind offers annually.
If It Wasn’t for the Irish and the Jews
The Melting Pot Reflected in Popular Song
What do “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter,” “I’m Sitting on Top of the World,” and “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” all have in common (besides that they were written by Jews)? Find out as we sing them along with another two dozen songs from the heyday of Tin Pan Alley.
We will project the lyrics to all of the songs. Don’t forget your glasses.
And, of course, please bring a mask.
Questions? Email Phil at engage@oaklandsinai.org
Date: Saturday evening, June 11
Time: 7pm
Place: Temple Sinai’s Chapel, 2808 Summit Street (enter on the Webster Street side), Oakland
Suggested donation: $15 (All proceeds go to support taking musical shows to Senior Living Facilities)
I encourage Jewish spouses to find events like this one where your non-Jewish spouse can enjoy Jewish community and culture that has no religious overtones. Please join me to sing OLD songs that we forgot we knew.
Email me to let me know you’re coming, dawn@buildingjewishbridges.org