If you live on Planet Earth there’s a good likelihood that you are in isolation protecting yourself and others from the spreading Coronavirus. The synagogues, Jewish community centers and other Jewish organizations are closed. Programs are being restructured to be online offerings. You can now “attend” services via your computer.
Go to the website of your local synagogue or preferred Jewish organization. They will tell you what they can offer you.
Joanne Greene, Director of Jewish Engagement at the Marin JCC wrote this in their recent email newsletter:
Maintaining your favorite routines and rituals can really make a difference in your mental state right now. That’s because we humans find comfort in actions and even small gestures that have provided comfort in the past.
Lighting Shabbat candles, even if it’s something that you’re not accustomed to doing, may feel very special right now. Consider any routine that brings you joy. I’m starting my day with an indulgent latte and sitting in front of the fire—even in the middle of a week day—with my Kindle.
Turns out that the Hebrew word for quarantine is bidud, the same root as the Hebrew word for lonely. Sheltering in place can be lonely, yet spending time alone can also provide fertile ground for spiritual growth.
While many Jewish prayers require a gathering of ten people, our Rabbis tell us that, when confined to home, we can pray alone at the same time as the community.
She also added when I emailed with her, ” invite people to sign up for the Virtual JCC.”