Sukkot on the Farm
Wilderness Torah invites you to gather in multi-generational community for the sixth annual Sukkot on the Farm Festival – a four-night camp out and celebration of the fall harvest. Come co-create our village and enjoy the Columbus day weekend with farm-fresh organic food, Shabbat and Sukkot celebration, bonfires, music, learning, kids activities, meditation, movement, and more! Reawaken the Water Festival, Simchat Beit Hashoevah, where we honor and call in the waters for the coming year and dance and celebrate with live music on Saturday night!
Dates: Oct. 4 – 8
Place: Green Oaks Creek Farm, Pescadero
Cost: Work Exchange: $160 or less, see website for work opportunities; Adult $325-$550, Age 13-17: $150; Age 4-12: $75, Children Aged 3 and under: $35
More details here