The women at Beth Emek asked me for a program on Jewish conversations. With the excellent suggestions from their leader this is what we came up with. Note: you can request a program for your synagogue or Jewish group that is shaped to your interests and needs.
Jewish Conversation or Competition?
Do you ever feel like you’re in the “Jewish Olympics” with friends, family or people you randomly meet? This takes many forms – from pretending you know more Yiddish than you do, to hiding the bacon in the back of the fridge because company is coming. Or do you play Jewish geography with people you meet to check out their yichus (Yiddish for Jewish pedigree, of course!).
Why determine whether someone is Jewish?
What are the ways to determine whether someone is Jewish?
- ask about their bar/bat mitzvah, which synagogue they grew up in, their Hebrew name
- What sounds innocuous to you may sound invasive to someone else
Are there more polite ways to get to know someone and to develop a bond?
- Share something about yourself, talk about something neutral like the weather, the food, the sermon, the music
- Determine to get to know someone before broaching identity questions
Let’s share experiences, strategies and feelings with Dawn Kepler of Building Jewish Bridges. This will be a fun ‘nightcap’ to the fall holidays.
Date: Monday, Oct. 8
Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
Place: A private home in Pleasanton
Sponsored by Beth Emek Sisterhood