Growing Up Interfaith
First Person Stories | Current Findings | Best Practices
What is it like to grow up in an interfaith family? For the first time we are asking young adults, “What was that like for you?”
At this program adults raised in interfaith families will talk about:
Taking charge of their Jewish identity
Making choices – the same or different from their parents
What really supported them in creating and maintaining their religious or cultural identities
How did being part of an interfaith family make them more open to differences in others
How much Jewish education is needed
Does it matter whether your Jewish parent is your father or your mother
Other workshops will cover:
Balancing the needs of your relationship with the needs of your child
How parents can support their children’s identity development
Should you let your child decide their religion or just give them one
Reform, Conservative, Orthodox – where does it all fit for the adult with a non-Jewish parent
May 22
1pm to 5:15pm
Everyone is welcome to come early for a tour of the photo exhibit, This Is Bay Area Jewry, and/or stick around for wine & cheese with the speakers afterwards.
The half day conference will be at Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland, where there is plenty of parking.
The conference is free but you must sign up. Do so here.
Got questions? Email me, or call me at 510-845-6420×11.