Sukkot is one of the three Jewish pilgrimage festivals—that means very important! It’s fun for kids and adults alike. Imagine building a playhouse + decorating for an autumn festival + picnicking outside — you’ve got Sukkot. How do you get started with the fun? Come to a no-experience-needed gathering to learn about Sukkot. You’ll leave…
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Cooking Jewish Whether You’re Jewish or Not: Passover
Passover is the most observed Jewish holiday in America. The central element of the holiday is the seder – a ceremonial meal with symbolic foods. Recipes and rituals come together to build happy memories and strengthen family bonds. Most Jews have warm, fuzzy memories of seders with their family. But not everyone in our families…
Read More »Cooking Jewish: Passover Made Easy
Not everyone who holds a seder grew up with Passover traditions. Dawn Kepler will share tasty Passover recipes, shortcuts and tips for engaging children and spouses of all ages in the holiday. We’ll cook together and then eat what we’ve made! Date: March 14 Time: 9:30 to 11:30am Place: Congregation Kol Shofar, 215 Blackfield Drive,…
Read More »DIY Judaism: Let’s Make Challah!
Everyone loves the smell of baking bread or the taste of warm homemade bread from the oven. Do you wish you could make delicious challah for Shabbat, but don’t consider yourself a baker or are short on time? Join us in the kitchen, and we’ll quickly put your mind at ease. We’ll talk about the…
Read More »The Sacred Table
How can we use eating, something we do each day, as a way to make our life more intentional? How can it help us be more awake to our lives? Join Rabbi Ruth Adar and me for a delightful class on EATING! The Sacred Table You will eat, you will be satisfied, and you will…
Read More »Videos to give you a taste of what’s to come
What’s coming up for the winter/spring term in the program, What Color Are Jews? Check out this video. Cooking classes – Purim and Passover
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