Jewish Culture

Hanukah for Adults

Come together to light holiday candles, participate in stimulating workshops, make menorahs, and enjoy live music, drinks, and dessert! 7:00 – 7:15 Candle lighting & Song (You are welcome to bring your own menorah & candles and join in the lighting!) 7:20pm Workshops. Choose from: * Dawn Kepler – The Scents & Tastes of the…

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Halloween and Jews

Can Jews celebrate Halloween? I’m wondering if this question just got you hot under the collar. Just stop for a moment and check your emotions… is this a question that gets you upset? I’ve been reading about this topic online this week and there seem to be a number of people for whom this topic,…

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Living as a Transgender Jew

Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community How can transgender people live Jewish lives when many of their significant life choices might be considered ‘un-kosher’? How do transgender Jews navigate gendered Jewish rituals such as burial and conversion? Balancing on the Mechitza, winner of a Lambda Literary Award, is an anthology by scholars, activists,…

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