Day One I joined the Beth Jacob congregational trip to Israel in June. The idea was to follow the books of Tanach (the bible) from the time that the Israelites entered the land of Israel in the book of Joshua and then trace the history through the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings, visiting the sites…
Read More »Jewish Culture
What does it mean to be ‘Spiritual’?
Many people identify as spiritual but not religious. In conversation the word, spiritual, has come to mean a sort of vague ‘good’ that isn’t focused on anything and has responsibility to no one. When I ask what that means to them, they typically say, something like, “I believe there is a force greater than us.”…
Read More »The Music of Shabbat
The Music of Shabbat with Cantor Ilene Keys What are the common melodies, why do they change, what’s the difference between songs and chanting? What is the role of the cantor in prayer? Why have a cantor and a rabbi in prayer services? In what way is the cantor clergy? What are the duties of…
Read More »Try something new: Italian Charoses
In Italy there are various regional versions of charoset. The charoset of Padua has prunes, raisins, dates, walnuts, apples, and chestnuts. In Milan they make it with apples, pears, dates, almonds, bananas, and orange juice. The following is a general version. 3 apples, sweet or tart. 2 pears 2 cups sweet wine 1/3 cup (50…
Read More »Second Night Community Seders 2012
Here are some of the SECOND night community seders in the SF Bay area. Check your local synagogue if you don’t see it listed below. Temple Beth Hillel’s Annual Community Seder The family friendly Seder will be held at the synagogue on Saturday, April 7th at 5:30 pm. Join us in telling of the story,…
Read More »Community Seders 2012
Many synagogues and Jewish Community Centers hold Second night seders, fewer hold First night seders. Here are some FIRST NIGHT options. First Night Community Seders The first night of Passover, Friday, April 6. In Palo Alto at Etz Chayim Congregation there are THREE Seders to choose from. Three different Seders, in three different rooms, all…
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