I love summer and I hate to see it go but I am comforted in knowing that the High Holy Days are coming. I love these holidays – for many non-religious reasons. At the top of my list is going to services in which EVERYONE from my congregation is present. Yup, more than a thousand…
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Children and the High Holy Days
A mom emailed me this question: Our daughter will be attending a public school in our neighborhood this fall. We’ve also finally joined a shul where she will have Hebrew school classes. I’m wondering what to do about High Holidays now that many will fall on “school days.” Do you keep the kids home only…
Read More »Tisha B’Av is observed this Weekend
Tisha B’Av marks the destructions of the Temples in Jerusalem, the first by the Babylonians in 586 BCE and second by the Romans in 70 of the Common Era. Each is said to have occurred on the same day, the ninth of Av on the Hebrew calendar. The day is commemorated as a fast day…
Read More »How to Use Religion to Wreck Your Relationship
Most couples’ conflict is not about religion, even in an interfaith relationship. However, it is certainly possible to use your religious differences to shoot holes in your relationship. Let me tell you about a very effective way to do that, and hopefully you can avoid it. Many non-Jewish Americans are not aware of how Christianized…
Read More »Shavuot: What is it?

I love Shavuot. It is one of the three pilgrimage holidays when Jews in ancient times traveled to Jerusalem to offer a special sacrifice at the Temple. If you read Arthur Waskow’s Seasons of our Joy, you’ll learn about the activities that took place in the ancient Temple. It was magnificent and makes you want…
Read More »Second Chances & Changes of Mind
Pesach Shini (Second Passover) comes exactly one month after Passover. It is found in the Torah in Numbers 9:1 – 14. It’s historical purpose was to prove an opportunity to observe Passover for anyone who was unable to do so at the correct time due to ritual impurity or because they were too far away…
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