A discussion for girlfriends, wives, mothers, & grandmothers Join other women, Jewish or not, to examine interfaith marriage in relation to culture and gender. What are the unique expectations and responses that a woman encounters as she creates a home and builds a family life in which her religion is not that of her partner?…
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Rituals and Memory
I received the weekly email newsletter from Netivot Shalom in Berkeley. In it their rabbi, Menachem Creditor, spoke his congregation about tonight’s holiday, Tu Bishvat. I want to share his words with you. Dear Chevreh (Friends), Tonight is Tu Bishvat, the Jewish celebration of Trees, an annual reminder to care for the world we inhabit….
Read More »Jews of Color/Successful Parenting Choices – Join Us!
I want to call your attention to two upcoming programs. The first is this Sunday, Multiracial Jews: Born This Way. This panel will be all born Jews of color talking about their challenges and their attachment to Judaism. If you are in an interracial family (I am) then you should come learn about how to…
Read More »Successful Parenting Choices in Interfaith Families
Successful Parenting Choices in Interfaith Families Navigating religious choices in an interfaith family can add a layer of complexity to parenting. Hear from a panel of non-Jewish parents who are happy with how things turned out with their now grown kids. Panelists will discuss a variety of topics, such as, holidays, lifecycle events, choosing religious…
Read More »Will I feel uncomfortable if my child is a different religion?

One of the concerns that is raised by interfaith couples who are thinking about having children is – will I feel different or separate from my child if they are raised in a religion not my own? This is not strictly a problem for male parents but it is more common for men. I…
Read More »Parenting has its Sacrifices
I recently heard from a Catholic woman asking for help in navigating her interfaith divorced family. Her ex-husband is Muslim and their two daughters were being raised with both religions until the divorce. Things have reached a very painful state. I will pause here and ask you to think about this… What do you think…
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