
Second Chances & Changes of Mind

Pesach Shini (Second Passover) comes exactly one month after Passover. It is found in the Torah in Numbers 9:1 – 14. It’s historical purpose was to prove an opportunity to observe Passover for anyone who was unable to do so at the correct time due to ritual impurity or because they were too far away…

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The Joys and Challenges of Raising Jewish Children in Interfaith Families

For Interfaith, intercultural families and those who love them Children offer us the remarkable opportunity to become our better selves. They challenge our assumptions, our patience, and our certainty. They also fill us with pride, worry, joy and a reason to make sacrifices. In a generation that has tried to balance freedom with discipline, children’s…

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Chocolate Covered Bugs for Passover!?

My oh, so creative friend Shifra, came up with these delicious and kosher ‘bugs’ for your Passover table. The kids will love making them and everyone will love eating them! Here’s how to do it: Take Kosher for Passover marshmallows and use a well-cleaned scissors to snip slices about 1/8″ wide. Snip each slice in…

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