
Honoring Your Mother and Father…

How Can We Dealing Graciously with our children’s Grandparents? How do you tell your parents about the different choices you’ve made? It can be hard to say, we’re raising the kids Jewish. We will/won’t have a Christmas tree. The baby will/won’t be baptized, receive a bris, have a bar mitzvah. What can we tell the…

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Jewish Heritage Night at the Giants

Jewish Heritage Night at the Giants Tuesday, Aug. 6, game begins at 7:15pm From the Giants’ website: The Giants are proud to welcome you and your family and friends to join the Bay Area Jewish community at the Giants annual Jewish Heritage Night! Your Special Event package includes a seat in one of the Jewish…

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Jewish Heritage Night at the As

Join the A’s for the third annual Jewish Heritage Night in their special Plaza Infield seating area on Tuesday, July 30. All participants that purchase a special ticket for this event from the link below will receive an exclusive A’s Jewish Heritage Yarmulke and a traditional food item in the Bar & Grille. For more…

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When a Child asks, Why Aren’t You Jewish?

Some parents fear this question. They aren’t sure what to say. Let’s consider the question and the possible answers. First, why is your child asking that question? You want to find out what she is thinking. Begin with, “what made you think of that, honey? Why do you ask?” Some possible reasons are: Your child…

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Posted in Children
Published on May 20th, 2013

Teaching Children about the Holocaust

It can be quite difficult for some non-Jews to grasp the profound depth of feeling that many Jews have about the Holocaust. I’ve heard non-Jews says, “Why dwell on something so terrible? Just get on with your life.” Others fear that it will frighten the children or that negative thinking will bring on negative events….

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The Joys and Challenges of Raising Jewish Children in Interfaith Families

For Interfaith, intercultural families and those who love them Children offer us the remarkable opportunity to become our better selves. They challenge our assumptions, our patience, and our certainty. They also fill us with pride, worry, joy and a reason to make sacrifices. In a generation that has tried to balance freedom with discipline, children’s…

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