On August 13th and August 23rd, Josh Kornbluth and Rabbi Menachem Creditor engaged in a public conversation about Israel, Zionism, Judaism, Peace, and American Jewish activism. Overwhelmed by Argument with Josh Kornbluth and Rabbi Menachem Creditor The description of and rules for the conversation are below. It was an intense conversation between two loving friends…
Read More »In the News
Teens found, dead
Perhaps you have been following the kidnapping of 3 boys in Israel. One was age 19 and the other two were only 16. There was steely hope that some terrorist group would claim responsibility and demand money or the release of some of their jailed compatriots. But unfortunately it was not to be and their…
Read More »Should I take my adopted child to the mikvah?
A mother sent me this question about her adopted child. I am Jewish and my husband is not. We adopted a girl, 8 months old, whose birth mother is not Jewish. We belong to a Reform synagogue and our rabbi said if we raise our daughter with Jewish lifecycle events and synagogue life, she is…
Read More »A Non-Jewish Man Reflects on Raising Jewish Children
In my January 2014 column, Mixed and Matched, I shared a letter from a Jewish Dad who felt his wife was not doing enough to raise his children as Jews. After reading the article a gentleman who is the non-Jewish husband in a couple who has participated in my programs wrote a very astute article…
Read More »A Non-Jewish Mother Reflects on Raising Jewish Children
In January 2014 my Mixed and Matched column addressed the concerns a Jewish Dad had about his wife’s ‘failure’ to raise the kids Jewish. Many people reacted to the article with some anger at his failure to take responsibility for raising his own children. But some non-Jewish spouses had other thoughts. One non-Jewish mother had…
Read More »No Follow Thru on Raising Jewish Kids

I’ve begun writing a column, Mixed and Matched, for the local San Francisco Bay Area Jewish newspaper, the J-Weekly. My first column is No Follow-through on Agreement to Raise Jewish Kids. A Jewish father wrote to me: I’m Jewish, my wife is not. I told her before we got married that I wanted our kids…
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