
Community Seders 2017

FIRST NIGHT SEDERS Community Passover Seder Come join the OFJCC for our annual Community Passover Seder. This interactive, warm and welcoming event is perfect for the whole family! Enjoy a delicious Kosher for Passover meal, singing and matzo decorating! Special Note Regarding Registration: This event is being subsidized by the OFJCC Annual Fund. If you…

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Posted in Passover
Published on April 5th, 2017

2017 – Bring it ON!

Here we go – 2017! Our world has been shaken. I, for one, was stunned by the election results. The majority of my family and friends are in categories that feel increasingly unsafe. As a woman I have been subject to sexual harassment and as a Jew I have been told I wasn’t welcome (yes,…

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Passover Eating

  Have you noticed that when we go without leavened foods we kind of freak out? Suddenly people need cups and cups of sugar to make it all up to them. These same people may eat very little leavened food as part of their regular diet but the forbidden-ness seems to do things to our…

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2016 Community Seders

Typically the first night of Passover (Pesach) involves a family Seder at home. But there are some places where there are community Seders for those who don’t have a family to invite. Second night community Seders have become very common at synagogues and there are lots of them! If you don’t see what you need…

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Wishing for an Egg Hunt? Check out this Afikomen Hunt!

  I’m struck dumb with admiration! The Bible Belt Balabusta has come up with an Afikomen Treasure Hunt that will mollify the most ardent Easter Egg longings. Here’s what she says about her 2015 hunt: Here’s the first clue in this year’s Afikomen Treasure Hunt. Each guest had an origami frog place card (my index…

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