Abi & Andy with their kids Lori Voices From Our Community Imagining What’s Next Activists, environmentalists, single mothers, Israelis, interfaith couples, Jews of color, spiritual seekers, grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, adopted, transgendered – describe anyone you know? Join us Sunday, Feb. 26, from 1-5 p.m. at the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto. I am…
Read More »Jews of Color
Videos to give you a taste of what’s to come
What’s coming up for the winter/spring term in the program, What Color Are Jews? Check out this video. Cooking classes – Purim and Passover
Read More »Jewish from Argentina: A Rabbi’s Tale
Rabbi Roberto Graetz Explore the South American Jewish experience and how is it different from North America. What are the feelings of ethnic difference? How does one acculturate to the United States? What family and cultural traditions remain the same and what changes? Is there a feeling of ‘otherness’ even though we are all Jews?…
Read More »Multiracial Jews, “You don’t need to ask how I happen to be Jewish”
Sunday’s program was quite powerful. Young adults talked about being Black, Asian or biracial AND Jewish. They described the painful and incessant questioning that white Jews typically feel the need to do: Are you Jewish? How did you get to be Jewish? Did you convert? Did one of your parents convert? Which one? Recently I…
Read More »Jews of Color/Successful Parenting Choices – Join Us!
I want to call your attention to two upcoming programs. The first is this Sunday, Multiracial Jews: Born This Way. This panel will be all born Jews of color talking about their challenges and their attachment to Judaism. If you are in an interracial family (I am) then you should come learn about how to…
Read More »Multiracial Jews: Born This Way
Shabbat at home The biggest job children have is to figure out who they are. What if they’re Jewish, a child of color, and trying to understand what the adults are saying about them? Come hear a panel of local Jews of color discuss what it is like growing up Jewish. How can we support…
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