Having a chuppah is a beautiful Jewish custom. Chuppah, חוּפָּה in Hebrew means “covering”. On ReformJudaism.org, Rabbi Victor Appell describes the chuppah this way. The canopy under which Jewish couples stand when they are married is called a chuppah. The chuppah represents the new home a couple establishes through their marriage. It also represents the…
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Will you have a Chuppah for your Wedding?
Having a chuppah or wedding canopy is not a Jewish requirement; in other words it is not stipulated in Jewish law. It is, however, a Jewish custom and very lovely. The traditional chuppah has four portable poles and a piece of cloth hanging attached at the four corners to the poles. You can use a…
Read More »The First Step towards Planning a Wedding

Here’s a useful, basic article on planning a Jewish wedding. It covers finding an officiant, pre-marital counseling and picking the date. This would be the place to start very early on. Take a look at this outline and then give me a call so we can discuss the various rabbis, cantors, maggids and lay officiants…
Read More »Shifting Traditions: A film & discussion
In the short film, Shifting Traditions, three interfaith couples take three different approaches to religion in their family. Then the film maker speaks with some rabbis who reflect differing views on intermarriage. Is there a right and a wrong? Come see the film and discuss the choices and rewards that are open to every interfaith…
Read More »Finding a Rabbi for Your Wedding
Of the many kinds of calls that I get, couples seeking a rabbi for their wedding is at the very top of the reasons list. The caller is more frequently a woman, whether she is Jewish or not. It could be because the woman is usually planning the wedding day, but I believe it is…
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