The Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay had organized local Jewish organizations to participate in Oakland’s Art Murmur. Join YOUR East Bay Jewish Community at a Channukah Celebration at Art Murmur! 13 partners from across the organizational spectrum are working together to create a Jewish communal space at this special East Bay art event….
Read More »Community Activities
What do Jews do at Christmas?
Answer: Eat & laugh! Have you ever gone to Kung Pao Kosher? Give it a try. Kung Pao Kosher Comedy You are cordially invited to come celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Kung Pao Kosher Comedy™ – Jewish comedy on Christmas in a Chinese Restaurant (where else?)! Answering the age-old question, “What are Jews supposed to…
Read More »Judaism Gets Back to Our Roots with Sukkot on the Farm
Sukkot on the Farm Wilderness Torah invites you to gather in multi-generational community for the sixth annual Sukkot on the Farm Festival – a four-night camp out and celebration of the fall harvest. Come co-create our village and enjoy the Columbus day weekend with farm-fresh organic food, Shabbat and Sukkot celebration, bonfires, music, learning, kids…
Read More »Children and the High Holy Days
A mom emailed me this question: Our daughter will be attending a public school in our neighborhood this fall. We’ve also finally joined a shul where she will have Hebrew school classes. I’m wondering what to do about High Holidays now that many will fall on “school days.” Do you keep the kids home only…
Read More »Making the most of Summer!
I think about two things in August – first I worry that the summer is almost over and I rush to enjoy the out-of-doors as much as possible. Second, I begin to think about the coming High Holy Days. Enjoying the summer DO IT! Go outside! Look at the sky, the trees, the flowers! On…
Read More »San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is NOW!
The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival started on Thursday. You can still buy tickets to lots of films. Go to their website, and scroll through the dozens of films at four locations. (or is it five?!)
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