Veiled Meanings
From the Collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Clothing exists to cover our bodies, but it can also uncover latent histories and personal narratives. To what extent does our choice of dress suggest individual taste or reflect influences from our surroundings? The variety of costumes displayed in this exhibition attests to the diversity of Jewish communities across centuries and around the globe. In many cases, the clothes worn by Jews were similar or even identical to those worn by non-Jewish neighbors, although at times special features distinguished them from the dominant culture.
This exhibition invites us to consider the history and language of Jewish clothing in all its complexity, from cultural dress codes to modes of self-expression.
Read all the details about the exhibit here.
Let’s meet at the museum at 11am when they open. We’ll start by going for brunch at their café, Wise Sons Jewish Deli, immediately to the right as you enter. Afterwards we’ll see the exhibit. Please let me know if you can join us. Email me at dawn@buildingjewishbridges.org
Date: Dec. 2
Time: Meet at 11am or soon thereafter
Place: The Contemporary Jewish Museum, 736 Mission St., San Francisco
Cost: $14 admission to the Museum
Islam and the Classical Heritage
From the legendary life and exploits of Alexander the Great (known as Iskandar in the Islamic tradition) to the insights of Islamic mathematicians who first introduced the concept of algebra (al-jabr), this exhibition brings a larger awareness of how authors, philosophers, and scientists of the Islamic world spread and transformed classical knowledge through the medium of illustrated manuscripts. Representing heroes such as Alexander and other historic notables, including Aristotle and Ptolemy, the exhibition features works created in Iran, India, Turkey, Spain, and Italy from the fourteenth through the nineteenth centuries. The manuscripts in this exhibition are drawn from the National Library of Israel’s special collection.
Runs through January 27, 2019
If you plan to meet me please let me know to look for you. I’ll meet folks in the lobby where you buy your ticket. Email me at dawn@buildingjewishbridges.org so I’ll know to expect you.
Date: Sunday, January 13
Time: 9:30am
Place: Legion of Honor, 100 34th Ave, San Francisco
Cost: $15 admission to the Legion of Honor
Details here
An article about the exhibit from the J weekly.