Oh Summer!

Cilantro in bloom horizontal

I am like a kid out of school for the summer – I don’t want to sit quietly at my computer and compose a message to all of you. I want to be outdoors with the bees, chattering birds, my dog and my kids. I am betting you feel the same. Summer is a good time to take a few hours on a Friday evening to shul shop – check out synagogues in your area; go to a light-hearted Shabbat service with music or wine or both; invite friends over to have a home Shabbat filled with giggling kids, extra glasses of wine and lots of laughter.

Do me a favor – email me and tell me one thing you love to do in the summer that you find has Jewish content or a Jewish flavor.

From me to you – the best Challah recipe EVER!
And make it easy, use your breadmaker!

Shabbat Shalom,